Abis denger cerita dari mamah terus emosi, cerita lagi deh ke misua minta dukungan buat emosi jg hahaha. Dijawab suami ambil positifnya aja, kamu lagi negatif blom tambah lagi pms makin negatif kasian heuuu.. Emosi ga turun2, di hati ada yg ganjel gimana gt ya akhirnya saya inget Allah SWT. Tarik nafas yang banyak abis itu coba cari pengalihan buka fb dan ada orang ngeshare ini "Tips mengontrol emosi". Karena ga ada yg kebetulan di dunia ini maka saya ikut ngeshare jg, mangga dicek sangat sangat manjur hehehe...
One night my dad telling me about my cousin's achievement... Good carrier and high salary..., Then he compare me with my part time job and enough salary... He told me that i don't have ambition..., A little bit hurt because he compare it to salary..., To be honest.... I don't really care about my salary and about how i can prove to others that i'm good..., I don't live for people's opinion.... i just live for myself... I just want to enjoy my life and now i am... Is it wrong... What if my key factor to happiness is different from others... Am i wrong... Why should i live like other people??? Let me tell you about my ambition... here it is: i want to create a children story that will be remembered by all children in the world...,, I want to be a game maker especially in creating the main character that will be loved by every children I want to be a creative blogger that inspire many many many people especially for every woman around the world... ...
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