Akhir-akhir ini saya lebih hepi ngurus anak saya. Maksud hepi di sini adalah emosi saya yg udah mulai stabil, udah ga terlalu naek turun emosinya. Saya hepi karena anaknya juga hepi. Anaknya hepi karena saya mulai sering natap matanya, dengerin dia dengan seksama yg ga cuma iya iya aja, sering peluk dan yg pasti sering ketawa bareng. Kadang ada deket dia aja ga cukup, dia butuh banyak perhatian-perhatian kecil dari saya dan suami pastinya. Anak saya jadi super sweet, sholeh bgt lah hehehe. Jadi ya klo di rumah itu yang ngatur aura positif ya saya heuuu.. Saya hepi semua hepi, saya ribet yg laen ikutan ribet..
One night my dad telling me about my cousin's achievement... Good carrier and high salary..., Then he compare me with my part time job and enough salary... He told me that i don't have ambition..., A little bit hurt because he compare it to salary..., To be honest.... I don't really care about my salary and about how i can prove to others that i'm good..., I don't live for people's opinion.... i just live for myself... I just want to enjoy my life and now i am... Is it wrong... What if my key factor to happiness is different from others... Am i wrong... Why should i live like other people??? Let me tell you about my ambition... here it is: i want to create a children story that will be remembered by all children in the world...,, I want to be a game maker especially in creating the main character that will be loved by every children I want to be a creative blogger that inspire many many many people especially for every woman around the world... ...
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