Kabur ke mall, naek ke lantai atas, makan tahu brintik di food court, sambil pake earphone dengerin lagu K Will terus baca buku di hape, sekarang lagi baca bukunya Yusuf Mansur yang judulnya Rich. Sayangnya setiap kabur batere dibawah 25%, jadi aja hepinya sebentar. namanya kabur ga pake persiapan hehehhe tapi tetep nikmat, klo kata misua "iyah seru, sambil baca trus nongkrong". Klo definisi saya mah seru punya dunia sendiri di tengah keramaian.
One night my dad telling me about my cousin's achievement... Good carrier and high salary..., Then he compare me with my part time job and enough salary... He told me that i don't have ambition..., A little bit hurt because he compare it to salary..., To be honest.... I don't really care about my salary and about how i can prove to others that i'm good..., I don't live for people's opinion.... i just live for myself... I just want to enjoy my life and now i am... Is it wrong... What if my key factor to happiness is different from others... Am i wrong... Why should i live like other people??? Let me tell you about my ambition... here it is: i want to create a children story that will be remembered by all children in the world...,, I want to be a game maker especially in creating the main character that will be loved by every children I want to be a creative blogger that inspire many many many people especially for every woman around the world... ...
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